Computer Delivered IELTS (CD-IELTS)
It is conducted through the computer thus, tests the students on their usage of computers along with the proficiency of English language.
What we offer
- High-quality practice sessions with experienced and well-trained faculty
- One-to-one speaking activities with the best instructors
What makes us different?
- Our comprehensive study material strengthens your basics
- Our intelligent testing system is exactly similar to CD-IELTS
- Our easily approachable faculty provides assistance throughout the course
CD-IELTS stands for Computer Delivered IELTS.
Our version – “Can Do IELTS.”
It is a precise and bold statement. Before we begin to teach you anything, we want you to acquire the “can do” attitude. Once you have done this, you have achieved 50% of your goal. The remaining is “our job, our commitment and our vision.”